Lightwork Meditation in Saskatchewan!

Julia W. // July 1st, 2014


There are two upcoming opportunities for Saskatchewanians to give meditation a try!

This 90 minute meditation class is a great chance to give meditation a test
drive. Learn simple tools for creating more ease, peace, and clarity in your life.

This class is designed to quiet the analytical mind, ground the body and focus your energy. Participants sit on chairs and are guided through the meditations.

Let us know if you’d like to attend so we have a sense of numbers.


Dates Duration Teacher Location Price
July 22 Tuesday 6:00pm – 7:30pm

Carolee McGillivray
Student Teacher

Town Office Basement
Pense, SK

By donation
July 29 Tuesday 7:00pm – 8:30pm Carolee McGillivray
Student Teacher

301 Gardiner Ave,
Saskatoon, SK

By donation


Please confirm your attendance by sending an email to or calling 604-376-4434.


Meditation Intro Workshop: April 19

Jacqueline // April 5th, 2014

Jacqueline VociCurious about Lightwork meditation? Give it a go on April 19. Jacqueline Voci is hosting a 1-hour intro meditation workshop at Open Door Yoga on Commercial Drive. Register here.

Lightwork is a simple, potent form of meditation that can give you more energy, focus and enthusiasm for life.

You’ll learn two powerful visualization techniques you can use everyday:
1. Centering: A technique for calming a chattering, busy mind
2. Grounding: A technique for releasing stress, worry and emotions

When: Saturday, April 19. 2pm to 3pm

Where: Open Door Yoga 1651 Commercial Dr. (enter on Gravely)

Cost: $10 (including tax)

Why? Meditation rocks. Give it a whirl. Register here.

Meditation Intro Workshop: Feb 22 at Open Door Yoga, Commercial Dr.

Jacqueline // February 4th, 2014

Jacqueline Voci

Here’s a great opportunity to give meditation a test-drive. On Feb 22 Jacqueline Voci will be hosting a 1-hour intro meditation workshop at Open Door Yoga on Commercial Drive. Register here.

Check it out! You’ll learn some super-practical meditation skills you can apply in every day life.

What: Lightwork Meditation Intro Session: Meditation for Busy Minds

When: Saturday, Feb 22 2pm to 3pm

Where: Open Door Yoga 1651 Commercial Dr. (enter on Gravely)

Cost: $10 (including tax)

Why: Meditation rocks. Give it a whirl.

Register here.